Here’s Some Zodiac Inspiration For Your Home

Astrology may seem like complete pseudoscience to some while others may follow it religiously. Whichever ideology you side with, you can always take some inspiration from the zodiac to infuse your best flats in Zirakpur with some magic. Here’s how. Aries: DIY Art Instead of decorating your house to please your guests, let it reflect your true personality and passion by making room for your hobbies and interests. Display your travel photographs, DIY arts and crafts. Use pale and muted colors set off by fiery hues of orange and crimson to exude your ambition. Taurus: Nature Inspiration Taureans love to spend time surrounded by nature as they luxuriate in their sweet domestic bliss. The perfect home for the Taurus is one with whitewashed stucco walls, sturdy wooden antique furniture. Taureans don’t love enclosed spaces a lot, so bring the nature in by building a kitchen garden for some therapeutic touch. Gemini: Tea Parties Your futuristic style is all about neutral colors, ab...