Be Energy-Efficient With These 5 Tips


Today’s times require us to be more conscious of our habits and little things we do every day so that we can save more energy and contribute to a greener environment. So, here are some easy tips to save energy in your luxury flats in Zirakpur.

1. Switch Off Electrical Appliances

Something as simple as turning off an electrical appliance can save a tremendous amount of energy. Make it a point to turn off all electrical appliances and devices when not in use. Turn off the television and microwave switches when not being used. It will set a great example for children. Also, look for energy star ratings when buying new electrical goods.

2. Open Up the Windows

Natural daylight and fresh air can provide you all the energy you need to start your day on a positive note and keep yourself charged throughout the day. Not just that, you won’t have to rely on electricity to bring in some light. Depending on the weather, you can either open up the windows or draw the curtains to let in the crisp sunlight.

3. Use the Cold-water Faucet

When you heat the water, it requires a lot of energy to turn the cold water hot. Furthermore, when the water is heated, lead and other contaminants from the pipes dissolve into the water, which when used for cooking can be quite harmful. So as far as possible, use cold water only for cooking and other kitchen purposes, unless, of course, hot water is necessary.

4. Storing Food in the Refrigerator

Food that is stored in the refrigerator without being wrapped releases some moisture, which makes it harder for the compressor to keep the fridge cold. It means more energy consumption. To avoid this, you can wrap the food in a plastic sheet, or better yet, store the food in an air-tight container to lock in the moisture.

5. Use Cold Water to Wash Clothes

When you use hot water to wash your clothes, more than 70% of the energy is used to just heat the water. But cold water can be just as effective for cleaning your clothes. Today’s technologically advanced washing machines are highly efficient as they wash your clothes by using as little energy as required.

Little acts of environmentally-conscious behavior can help you save large amounts of energy daily in your top 3BHK luxury flats in Zirakpur.

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